More and More is becoming known about gluten free foot

I had just been over one week without wheat products. I feel fine. I think I will stay with this program until, well , I don't know until when.

I do want other people who have conditions of health they can't solve, to try gluten free foods as their first line of defence.

Gluten free since January 28, 2011

I went on a self imposed gluten free diet.
It was not hard. It is not magical. I don't eat foods made with wheat products.

I had been having a headache and it was recurring. It made me feel like all I was doing was finding a wat to get rid of morbid headache.

I would take a pain pill to get rid of the headache. It did take the headache away but the headache would recir.

I have not had that headache since January 27, 2011.

I enjoy lots of foods, and have bought some gluten free products as well.

It will be two weeks this Thursday and I will maybe disclose some other things I have noticed.

It is now March 14, and I am still not eating wheat products.  I use Bobs red mill products, glutino, kinnikiniick others I can name later.
I feel fine. I don't know if I will go back to wheat.

 3 months have passed since I stopped eating foods made with wheat.  My main complaint at the time I decided to try it was a nagging headache.  I haven't had that type of headache since I stopped wheat foods.

Another benefit I had no idea about happened almost within 24 hours of not eating wheat foods.  I was no long constipated.  It is almost 3 months and I have had a profound change in my disgestion.  My entire life seems to be of trouble going. Now at 3 months gluten free, wheat free, I am not having that same problem.  I hope that in 6 months or a year, I can say the same thing.